Two events mark January as the time we recognize and work towards protections for the unborn.
Sunday, January 19, is Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. Consider this an opportunity to focus in congregational prayer on the threatened status of legal protection for the unborn, those who are struggling with the decision of what to do with an unplanned pregnancy, and how you can help encourage and support decisions for life.
Over 100 abortions happen every hour in the US. Over 2,500 every day. Over 900,000 each year (2020 data). Since the 1973 legalization of abortion with Roe v. Wade (overturned in 2022), it is estimated that over 65 million abortions have happened in the US. Not only does this destroy an unborn life, it damages the parents and families involved, and our nation as a whole.
Google "sanctity of human life sunday resources" for options to use in your church.
Some examples:
Amnion Pregnancy Care: CLICK HERE
Heartbeat International: CLICK HERE
Align Life Ministries: CLICK HERE
In recognition of this, Friday, January 24, 2025 is the March for Life in Washington, DC.
CLICK HERE for the main website, with route details, schedule and arrangements links.
If you cannot come march, pray for us - for good weather, for many participants, and for the impact the March has on others, particularly our representatives in Washington.
Anglicans for Life is not holding a Summit this year, but has their own pre-march gathering and service, with a bus option. CLICK HERE for details.