Women's Day 2022 will follow a different format this year than in the past. Each Diocese will have it's own plan of meetings, in some cases more than one spread over an extended area. For our Diocese of the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic, that means two: one in Somerville NJ at Emmanuel Church on Saturday, May 7th; the other in Eldersburg, MD at St. Stephen's Church on Saturday, May 14th. Both will begin at 10:30am.
The theme for this year is "Ascending to the Heavenly Places", from Hebrews 12: 22-24 and 28.
The goal for this year's fundraising project is to raise a minimum of $7,500 to assist in reuniting Father Enrique Mechor, one of the R.E. priests in Cuba, with his family.
A downloadable PDF of Gale Hill's letter, the one-page schedule of regional meetings with addresses and contact instructions, and the registration form is available HERE.