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Youth Winter Camp Feb. 18-20

From Deacon Billy J:

Good Morning all!

Winter Camp is scheduled for February 18th-20th at Rock Mountain Bible Camp. An information flyer is attached. Registrations may be filled out at

Our speaker for the weekend is Fr. Tait Deems and the topic is "My Private Devotional Life". It promises to be a great weekend!

I wanted to remind everyone, that I'm more than happy to plan a visit to your parish or mission to talk about the work of the COYPW and to introduce myself to parents who might be skeptical of sending their children away with strangers. I can do this in person or via zoom-whichever is most conducive.

Please let me know if you have any questions. If you would like to volunteer as a counselor, please also let me know.

God bless you all!

Dcn. Jenkins


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