November 2023
143nd Diocesan Council 2023
Diocesan Council 2023 was held
at St. Stephen's RE Church in Eldersburg, MD
on Thursday and Friday, November 2-3.
All clergy were invited to vest for the opening service of Holy Communion on the first day of Council - white stoles.
St. Stephen's did livestream the opening service!
Visit their Youtube channel here:
(Look for NEMA - 143rd Diocesan Council)

The Diocesan Council met on Nov. 2 & 3, 2023 at St. Stephen’s R. E. Church in Eldersburg, MD. The opening service of Holy Communion, Thursday lunch and all business meetings were held at the church. There was no Thursday evening meal served or meetings scheduled and the delegates were encouraged to join with others by making local dining reservations. A list of local restaurants is posted below.
Also, there was no host hotel. A list of local hotels is posted below so each clergyman and lay delegate can make their own reservations at the hotel of their choice. Most hotels are found around Routes 695 and 795. Turf Valley Resort is another option.
Thank you for your understanding and we trust this year’s arrangements will not inconvenience anyone. It is anticipated that Diocesan Council in 2024 may have similar arrangements as plans are being made to meet in the Philadelphia area at St. Mark's and St. Paul's.
The Registration Fee for Council is $50 for all delegates, clergy and laity. We used an EventBrite payment website to collect fees and organize our delegate data. The fee includes the administrative costs of Council as well as the shared lunch on Thursday. Individuals who are accompanying delegates to Thursday lunch but not voting or attending business sessions may use the reduced Lunch-Only option.
CLICK HERE to open the Downloadable PDF of the Certificate of Lay Delegates for 2023