The annual requirement for Congregational Reporting is upon us again.
Each year both our Diocese (REC-NEMA) and our Province (ACNA) requires each parish to submit a statistical report on membership and finances for the previous year. Our Treasurer, Ron Riches, reminds us:
“Information generated using data supplied through these surveys is important because:
It is used to ensure the proportional representation of your parish and our diocese in the councils of the Church;
It helps our diocese move beyond anecdotal information in order to evaluate larger trends within our Church;
It is an opportunity to update vital contact information for you and your congregation.
The information provided not only serves these purposes, but also substantiates your local parish as a member of the REC & ACNA for the purpose of maintaining your local 501(c)3 status. This status allows parishioners to deduct contributions to your parish from their income taxes and may be critical in obtaining relief from your state’s sales taxes.”
With this in mind, each parish needs to task it’s administrative and financial personnel to fill out both surveys.
An email to leaders in each parish from the ACNA has already begun their reporting period. The deadline is March 1st. The web-based reporting system is found online HERE…
The diocese uses a form-based process for it’s reporting. The deadline is March 26.
The explanatory cover letter is downloadable HERE…
The preferred Excel spreadsheet form is downloadable HERE…
The alternate print form (in PDF format) is downloadable HERE…
NOTE that the latter two should be saved to a local drive for editing, not opened and filled out online…
Any questions, plus emailed or snail-mailed completed forms, can be addressed to Diocesan Treasurer Ron at the addresses in the cover letter above.